Health Physics / Environmental Monitoring

CANBERRA offers a full range of solutions for all your health physics, environmental monitoring and security needs. Specific offerings within the health physics/environmental monitoring areas include:

  • Survey Instruments and Probes – Designed for portable applications involving survey of gamma, alpha, beta, X-ray and neutron radiation.
  • Contamination Monitoring – A full range of solutions for alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray contamination. Solutions are available for whole body, hand and foot, gamma-exit and article monitoring applications.
  • Dosimetry – A line of personal dosimetry products to monitor routine operational exposure and/or for emergency response applications.
  • Hand-Held Spectroscopy – Devices that bring laboratory grade gamma spectroscopy facilities to the field environment.
  • Environmental Monitoring – Fixed and mobile monitoring systems for public protection around nuclear facilities and for homeland security.
  • Homeland Security – Leading edge technologies for the detection, interdiction and identification of smuggled nuclear material and for securing nuclear materials in-place.

We Offer
