Nuclear & Environment

We are representing the leaders in the field of nuclear and environmental radiation detection & measurement equipment.

Counting Room / Laboratory
Nuclear Instrumentation Modules
Nuclear Measurement Systems
Health Physics / Environmental Monitoring
Multichannel Analyzers


Floor Contamination Monitor
Laboratory Lead Shield
The ELIDOSE project


Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimetry is a well-established method of reporting individual doses.

Our new OSL dosimeter defines a milestone in monitoring the Personal Dose Equivalents Hp(10) and Hp(0.07). Using state-of-the-art methods, our new OSL dosimeter covers the full energy range from 16 keV to more than 10 MeV. For this energy range, it is exceptional in its energy dependency in official personal dosimetry.

Two beryllium oxide (BeO) chips are molded in a bar-coded plastic slide, which is mounted in a badge. The badge is ultrasonically welded to guarantee a lightproof dosimeter. With its almost tissue equivalency BeO is perfect for dosimetric applications. The dosimeter is compact and very competitively priced.

Ceramic BeO is not health hazardous. There is no inhalation risk of beryllium particles. BeO is exceptionally immune to environmental influences.

Being type approved by the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), our OSL dosimeter fits seamlessly to applications in official dosimetry.


Due to its wide range of use, our OSL dosimeter is perfect for almost all applications of whole body dosimetry. This dosimeter is versatile and sustainable.

Docimetric Performance

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